Iwase Bunko Library was established as a private library in Nishio city.
Yasuke Iwase, a wealthy merchant, used his own funds and opened IBL in 1908.
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  • Library002 西尾八景


 名所絵や風俗絵を得意とした尾張の絵師・小田切春江(おだぎりしゅんこう)(1810~1888)が、西尾の 8つの名勝を叙情豊かに描いた錦絵です。現在は「須田先盆之夕景」「蟲送之図」「伊文山の杜」「祇園会御旅所」「寄住之松」「八面山の春興」の6図のみ (うち2枚は未完成)が残されています。 左枠外に「辻板」とあることから、西尾の須田町の藩御用達商・鍋屋(辻利八)により版行されたものとわかります。 辻家の記録(『諸道具控』ほか)によると、弘化3年(1846)に15両余り(うち画代に1両3分)をかけて団扇絵300本、摺画300枚を製作販売したといいます。
 例えば「八面山(やつおもてやま)の春興」。山頂から遠眼鏡で三河湾の帆かけ船を眺め、扇を手にして踊り、酒宴の席では俳句をひねり、子供を連れて山菜摘み、と思い思いの春の楽しみが描かれています。現在は桜の名所として賑わう八ツ面山も、かつてはこの様に松や杉が目立つ姿であったようです。中腹には荒川天王社( 現在の八ツ面町久麻久神社)も見えます。山頂近くに点在する穴は雲母(うんも)の採掘坑でしょうか。

Eight beautiful scenes of Nishio
Late Edo era (Early-Mid 19th Century)
Artist: Syunko Odagiri

 These lively wood block prints of “Eight beautiful scenes of Nishio” were made by Syunko Odagiri (1810-1888), who lived in Owari (presently Nagoya) and was a specialist of paintings of well-known local places and the local lifestyle. Presently, six of the eight beautiful scenes of Nishio are left. “Sunset of Suda in Late Summer”, “Picture of Mushiokuri”, “Forest of Ibun Shrine”, “Resting Place for Gods at the Gion Festival”, “Pine Tree of Yorizumi” and “Spring on Mt. Yatsuomote” (two of these are unfinished). On the left side of the frames, you can find “Tsujihan”. It means these were published by Tsuji Rihachi, an elite purveyor of ironware for the Suda-cho clan in Nishio. According to Tsuji's records (“Various Tools - shop copy” and other documents), he spent about 15 ryo ※ (out of that 1 ryo 3 bu for painting) to make and sell 300 paper fans and 300 prints with the pictures of the eight scenes in the 3rd year of Kouka (1846).
For example, "Spring on Mt. Yatsuomote" depicts the celebration of up-coming spring. People are enjoying their favorite activities like using spyglasses from the mountaintop to watch sailboats on Mikawa bay, dancing with fans, reading haiku while drinking, picking wild plants with children, and so on. Mt. Yatsuomote is now a famous place of cherry blossoms, but in those days, you could see many pine and Japanese cedar. Halfway up the mountain, you can find Arakawa Tenno shrine (now called Kumaku shrine in Yatsuomote town). The area near the top of the mountain is dotted with mines, likely dug for mica.
Documents which depict the scenery, lifestyle and customs of Nishio before modern times are rare.

※ 1 ryo ≒ 100,000 yen