Iwase Bunko Library is the only one
More than 100 of media publish or broadcast Iwase Bunko Library. People all around the world try to contact IBL like BBC network, Nature, and more.
The story of IBL
IBL was established by a great merchant in Nishio city, Yasuke Iwase in 1908. He collected more than 80,000 books. At first, IBL was a private library of classic books to spend all his money. After his death, IBL was managed by the foundation, but world war II and Mikawa earthquake lead to running in bad situation. Then, Nishio citizens campaigned to preserve IBL and Nishio city bought IBL. In 1994, IBL have started of today's style and from 2003, IBL became the first classic book museum in Japan.
Attraction of IBL
IBL has a large variety of classic books, especially in Edo era. Honzougaku is the most powerful collection in IBL. Hiroshi Aramata, a famous naturalist in Japan, introduced Honsou-zusetsu so many times to media.
IBL has Japan's important cultural property, Gonara emperor's Shinkan Hannyashinkyo. Also, Mukujoukoukyou Zishinin Darani which is the oldest printed paper in Japan, and Chushingura's important material, Kantou Gekou Douchuki. Souseki Natsume's original letter, and Hyouryuki which contains the oldest UFO's description in the world.
It is remarkable that people can see its precious collections at first hand. Among researchers, IBL is so popular that many people come to IBL every year.
However, IBL does not exist just for researchers of their studies. IBL has so many trivia books. A game book in Edo era, a manual how to get a girlfriend in Yoshiwara, a cook book of tofu, a manual book of how to make up, and so on.
These books are not worthy as antique books, so that its hard to be left in present day. But these books are also important for our history and culture.
The attraction of IBL is to share the feelings beyond the time. We can laugh and cry by reading these books as people did hundreds years ago.
Yasuke Iwase's spirit
Yasuke Iwase was influenced by Seika Watanabe who established a private library in his shrine, Terazu-hachimangu. Seika says that the best thing to enjoy is to share with people. Yasuke had not forgotten Seika's spirit and favored to establish IBL.